Wentworthville Memorial Swim Centre
Project Type: Splash Pad
Location: Wentworthville. Sydney. NSW. Australia
“Following the successful completion of the Ruth Everuss Aquatic Centre in 2017, NBRSArchitecture was engaged by Cumberland City Council in 2019 to provide upgrade concepts for their 4 remaining aquatic centres. The Council went to tender for the Wentworthville site and engaged Omnistruct to complete the design and construction. NBRSArchitecture was engaged by Omnistruct in 2020 as the lead design consultant.
The newly upgraded Wentworthville Memorial Swimming Centre features a new 25 m program pool with beach entry leisure pool, splashpad, and general upgrade to all amenity buildings and site. The circular shaped splashpad features Life Floor tiles in a unique five colour geometric design. The installation is the first of its type in Sydney for a local government aquatic facility.
Until now, splashpads have provided a dilemma for the architect in terms of the floor finish selection. The industry is familiar with experiences of adhesion issues with resilient pool flooring materials. Whilst concrete finishes are good for longevity and slip resistance, they are unforgiving when little ones trip and fall. We believe we have found a material that can perform well in all respects without compromise. It made me smile on opening day as I watched a toddler stumble and fall onto the Life Floor, then get right back up again without tears.”
- Derek Mah, Associate, NBRSArchitecture
Project Highlights
Facility: Wentworthville Memorial Swim Centre
Location: 115 Dunmore St Wentworthville. Sydney. NSW. Australia
Install Date: March 2021
Designer: NBRSArchitecture
Water Feature Supplier: Waterplay
Area: 155 m²
Colours: Ocean, Bluebird, Aviator, Sandbar, Gobi
Texture: Ripple 2.0
Thickness: 10 mm
Installer: Grassports Australia (Queensland)
Please note: Colours are not representative of true Life Floor colours.

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